Read more: Story behind the story: Cataclysm
Running with Epiphany comes out of my growing unease and discomfort in the months following the U.S. election in 2020.
Read more: Story behind the story: Running with Epiphany
Here is my new BookBub profile:
The first book I am going to talk about is my latest. It's volume one in an ongoing open-ended series called the Neamhain Prophecy, and it's titled "Ascension."
Read more: Story behind the story: Ascension
Like free books? Check out the Science Fiction Freebies promotion on Bookfunnel, going on now!
Read more: Get your free copy of Running with Epiphany in this promo!
Today, my mailing list stands at 95 subscribers, which means I am expecting to hit 100 any day now. To celebrate achieving my first 100 followers, I am setting up an Amazon free book promotion where you will be able to download an eBook copy of Adagio of Awakening that will cost you exactly $0.00. It will run from tomorrow, Feb 20th to February 24th. You can get your free copy of Adagio of Awakening by clicking here.
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